life coach
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Eco-friendly sales: how to let customers go so that they come back
Hello, dear coaches!
Katya Kaneva, Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation No. 1685, online and offline business protection lawyer, management consultant, business mentor and coach of ICF is in touch.
Today, when all social networks are full of calls to go through sessions and buy information products, I want to reflect on the topic of coaching sales and environmentally friendly attitude to customers.
We all observe that the system of promoting business and products on the market, as a whole, is based on working through the pain of the target audience. Specialists and experts often treat the client with his request as a painful or victim, and begin to work with him with the help of hidden manipulations and violation of his boundaries.
For example, to a customer's objection about the high price of a product, the answer may be "You understand that this is not a waste, but an investment. Many were able to pay back the course already in the course of training! We have cases where our students took installments and repaid it ahead of schedule."
Then the client can continue to be bombarded with offers and advertising of the product, putting him in an anxious state, forcing him to come to the purchase without having a proper financial resource, and sometimes temporary or physical.
Having studied the mechanisms of marketing systems, business promotion and sales, becoming an ICF coach, I formulated for myself a value approach to working with clients not through their pain, but through values, through partnership and compliance with the main principle of Milton Erickson "Everything is OK with everyone": the client has all the resources, he himself makes the best decision for himself, and he determines the way to achieve it.
If we are talking about business requests, it is the coaching approach that currently allows us to model in the best way the achievement of business goals, eco-friendly positioning and content generation.
At the request of the client, a plan for solving his situation can be formed, and if the client came with a burning business request, he can be informed about the business development scenario in the periods 1-3-6-12 months, which can affect him both as a person and as an entrepreneur, business owner. Here, just a flexible system will allow the client to rely on himself and the plan / scenario that should be guided within his path.
Working as a coach, I have developed for myself 7 basic rules that help to build long-term cooperation with clients.
1. First of all, a professional coach must adhere to the provisions of the ICF Code of Ethics and follow the ICF ethical standards.
2. It is important for a coach to improve his skills, replenish his tools, undergo supervision and have recommendations or feedback.
3. The coach works with the values of the client, not with his pains. The coach's task is to activate the client's resources to solve the problem independently.
4. Eco-friendly customer support on the way to their goals without hyphenation and countertransference, without mixing with their stereotypes and associations is one of the main functions of a coach.
5. Constantly monitor the client's condition and provide clarity, identify the client's initial request and help in the formation of specific measurable results.Don't create needs when there aren't any.
6. Do not give ratings and devalue the client's experience, interact with the client on an equal footing as partners. Deep transformational work takes place between man and man.
7. Work not only for money, but also for something more. It is possible to give the client more than he expects, while not violating his boundaries. When a client finds his inner motivation with the support of a coach, he can go through all the difficulties that arise in his life.
How can a coach let clients go so that they come back?
Sometimes it is absolutely normal when clients can leave the coach after the introductory session, if they did not suit each other for one reason or another (resistance to coaching, there is no time and desire to take responsibility for what is happening at this time, for example, or illness).
Professional coaches will not agree with marketers seeking to retain the current client (attracting a new client can be 3-5 times more expensive!) and boldly using any mechanics of returning customers.
Coaching is always about the benefit for clients, so that the client believes in his own strength and begins to act, develop and scale.
Since coaches strive to develop themselves as people, creators and professionals who support their clients on the path of their development and creation of something new, in their sessions they can create such amazing spaces and states for the client when much becomes possible for both clients and coaches.
The criteria for the success of sessions are individual in each case. A professional coach, bringing all the beauty of his personality into the sessions, using coaching tools in an eco-friendly way, becomes an effective helping practitioner with each client, who can be transmitted by word of mouth or by hand. And the issue of letting customers go takes on a completely different meaning.
With that, I say goodbye to you until we meet again!
If you have any questions for me, I am always open for communication and support.
Katya Kaneva
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